I had a super-natural dream a few days ago. Somewhere in a castle there was me, rockie, omaha and jazzzica. The place was neither huge or wide... it was damn tall. We could see the horizon from up at the gallery area.
We were preparing to have dinner. The table and dining setting was contemporary. Then if I remembered correctly, there was two 'Badut' or 'Mime' (clowns), in the kitchen cooking our meals... Now thats damn cock. How did 2 clowns entered my head. I figured, that must be the same mime we tried to bully at some carnival. Anyway, we sat at the table, and noticing somebody missing, I asked "Where's Blondie?"... gladly, Jazzzica said "Oh, He has to save gotham city". wtf? Yeah, he is Batman.
Just then, 'Batman' pull up into the castle in his Jeep. errmm...how weird is that. Upon coming into the dining area he changed from batman to blondie. AHahaHa. Immediately after that, my dream was interrupted with blondie's SMS. Ironic or coincidence?
Well, if you are looking for the moral of the story or any anecdote, there wasn't any. There is sometimes a superhero within ourselves. We got it, what about u?

Dude, now that's just cock.....
ahaha...Its cock.
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