Friday, August 01, 2008

karma police

On behalf of the Bojans, saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Roakai dan Yun for the 'Buah Tangan' from Jakarta. harhar.

Tetapi malang-nye, Kastam Polis tak bagi chan...memang sial betual. Inilah dia buah tangan, setakat tengok shj.

Radiohead - Karma Police

... this is what you get - Karma


o m a h a said...

Alahhh makatak.....

Same thing happened when Blondie and I went to collect his stuff at the imigration.

This is what you get.....

Anonymous said...

damn..i want a brass knuckle.

Anonymous said...

your friend dunno that such stuff can't pass the immigration? Try give duit kopi see ok or not next time ;)