Friday, June 17, 2005

Coldplay - x&y

Dudes! Check out Coldplay latest album, 'x&y'.

Sing Titles:
  1. Square One
  2. What If?
  3. White Shadows
  4. Fix You
  5. Talk
  6. X&Y
  7. Speed of Sound
  8. A Message
  9. Low
  10. The Hardest Part
  11. Swallowed in the Sea
  12. Twisted Logic
Interesting Fact:

Check out coldplay's album cover, the colors and squares are not just random images. They represent something of the modern world we know today. If you are into computers, you should know what binary is all about. Right '1's and '0's. A combination '1' and '0's of make up the a string of binary. The cover is actually showing a hidden string of 5-bit binary data. Its for you to decide what would it mean.

Split the image by five columns. Each column will hold a string of binary. This means that each column will represent a character. Each block of color represents '1' and the space in between is '0'. Consequently the first column will read as "10111". Under the 5-bit binary table this would make up the character 'X'.

Coldplay links:

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