Blogs are a simplier version of websites. A normal website would have a homepage and other sub-pages which links to that and so on so forth. Like a static webpage such as that has only three page to sites such as will blow you away.
However blogs are much easier that that...
- A blog is normally a single page of entries. There may be archives of older entries, but the "main page" of a blog is all anyone really cares about.
- A blog is organized in reverse-chronological order, from most recent entry to least recent.
- A blog is normally public -- the whole world can see it.
- The entries in a blog usually come from a single author.
- The entries in a blog are usually stream-of-consciousness. There is no particular order to them. For example, if I see a good link, I can throw it in my blog. The tools that most bloggers use make it incredibly easy to add entries to a blog any time they feel like it.
Basically, a blog is a lot like an online journal or diary. The author can talk about anything and everything. Many blogs are full of interesting links that the author has found. Blogs often contain stories or little snippets of information that are interesting to the author.
Why Blogging?
Anybody who uses a computer can create a blog. Blogs can co-exists free-form. It can be used to post news, topics, gossips and other issues that humans are interested in these days.
You could treat a blog as an online diary or make your own favourite site links which is useful when you could access the blog anywhere in the world.
Enuff said.